Monday, November 16, 2015

A Typical Day in #KFkinders Part-2

After we finish Morning Work and the random loose ends we have each morning to tie down, we join together at the carpet to go through our schedule.  I am a routine lover!  I become very scattered without it (much  like your average 5 or 6 year old!).  Our schedule is pretty routine each day as well.  I think it is beneficial for kids and adults alike to know what is coming at them.  We can reach amazing expectations when we know what to expect.

After our schedule preview, we move on to math.  During math we start with an animated story produced by our math curriculum, Envisions.  The story is great to preview the skill we will be practicing, and it also gives great vocabulary that we stress in our math discussions.  A copy of the Common Core math vocabulary words for kindergarten can be accessed through this link (Math Vocabulary Cards).  The story is interactive, so students are answering questions, using manipulatives, and discussing with table-mates.  It is a great way to channel our learning before we start with the work mat.

The front of the work mat is very guided.  This gives us a chance to review what the interactive story just previewed.  We  will use those essential skills on the front of the work mat, and apply them to other skills that were previously learned on the backside of the work mat.  On the front, there are no printed directions, so have your kinder explain what skills we practiced and see if they can summarize their learning!

On the backside of the work mat you will see the interactive story summarized on the top.  This allows us a place to reference the story when we are working with the skills and applying our new learning.  The directions for the work mat are printed on the bottom of the sheet.  Usually we start the backside with guided learning.  I try to scale back the amount of support I am giving by the end of the work mat.  Sometimes, especially with brand new skills, we need to work together for the duration of the work mat.  Our series does a good job of reviewing skills throughout the year, so if your kinder didn't master the skill the first or second time it showed up on the work mat...hold tight.  We will probably come back to it later in the Topic, or the year.  If you notice that your kinder isn't understanding the skill, try Googling the skill or searching for it on Pinterest.  Many times you will find free activities that you can be doing at home to help strengthen that learning.  If you still have questions on what you can be doing at home, please contact me and I'll get you hooked up or help direct your search!

An important note about our math is divided into "Topics".  These topics allow us to learn different concepts.  We will move through these topics at different paces to make sure we have a firm foundation of skills so we can build upon them and apply them in different situations.  Here is a list of the topics we will cover this year.
*Topic One-One to Five
*Topic Two-Comparing and Ordering 0-5
*Topic Three-Six to Ten
*Topic Four-Comparing and Ordering 0-10
*Topic Five-Numbers to 20
*Topic Six-Numbers to 100
*Topic Seven-Understanding Addition
*Topic Eight-Understanding Subtraction
*Topic Nine-More Addition and Subtraction
*Topic Ten-Composing Numbers 11-19
*Topic Eleven-Decomposing Numbers 11-19
*Topic Twelve-Measurement
*Topic Thirteen-Sorting, Classifying, Counting, and Categorizing Data
*Topic Fourteen-Identifying and Describing Shapes
*Topic Fifteen-Position and Location of Shapes
*Topic Sixteen-Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes
*Topic Seventeen-Step-up to First Grade
You will get a good description of each topic when the Topic Introduction sheet comes home at the beginning of every topic.  It will outline vocabulary words we will focus on throughout the topic, prior knowledge that we need to continue to build, and suggested activities and books you can use to extend their learning.  There is also a game you can plan on the backside of this work mat.

Here is a reminder of what our Kindergarten Priority Standards and Learning Targets this year!

Attached to every Topic Test you will notice there is a summary of your kinder's learning in comparison to the standards (credit to Mrs. Townsley for creating these!).  Please look at what was expected, see how they responded, and continue to push and extend their learning.

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